Olu Alege, 23
New York City, NY
What is your guilty pleasure?
Does sex count? lol
Describe the most fun party you’ve ever been to:
My birthday, 2009. We threw a warehouse party in Williamsburg. 319 Scholes was the address. I loved that night. We turned up so much; all my homies came through. We had go go dancers, free liquor all night and just great vibes. It was a time when all the kids in New York were shaping up themselves to do something. We were kids, we didn’t know better, but we were soooo creative. We had no shame, so we would just do things without thinking. I still have a little bit of that in me. I think that’s what channels through my creative process. The ability to not give a fuck and create.
What are you afraid of?
My biggest fear is giving up on my dreams. There are so many levels to this. We just all have to take it one day at a time. I want to continue to inspire and give hope to people, especially the kids from the hood. It seems like no one speaks to them nowadays, unless they talking about molly. It sucks. My childhood was never like that. I didn’t know what all that shit was till about 13. The youth needs to be able to dream and have an imagination. I think that’s the only way I was about to go this far. I’m so unrealistic. I believe anything is possible.
What is the best place?
The best place for me has to be the park. I love nature, believe it or not. It calms me down. I also love the basketball court. I love basketball. I thought I’ll make it to the NBA one day, until I started being all creative and stuff. It was for the better, though, but I still play ball.