Emma Banks, 22
Brooklyn, NY
What is one adventure you can’t wait to go on?
When my boyfriend graduates from school in Austin, we’re taking a road trip up from Texas to NYC to move all of the stuff I left behind in March. We’re really into that sort of thing (cavorting around the country in cars with cameras in tow), but really the part I’m most excited about it is doing dumb everyday stuff together that we’re currently missing out on. Like a million little fantastically mundane adventures. Lame I know.
Tell me about the last book you read.
I just finished the second volume of Anais Nin’s diary. Her writing really speaks to me in many ways, and I feel I’m partially indebted to her for who I am as a woman and an artist. She’s also incredibly frank and has some pretty badass stories to tell from life in ‘30s and ‘40s pre- and post-war France.
What is one of your guilty pleasures?
I find I’m really OCD about wrinkled clothing and love going through my closet and steaming things. Hopefully I don’t sound like a total weirdo.
If you could have a 20 minute conversation with one famous figure, dead or alive, who would it be?
Joan Didion —voice of a generation, total icon…I would love to photograph her and pick her brain for a bit.
Check out more of Emma’s work at Girl Plus.