Ben Aqua, 29
Austin, TX
In fantasy dinner party, who would be your 5 guests (dead or alive)?
Andy Warhol, Adolf Hitler, Michael Jackson, Grace Jones, Rock Hudson
Tell me about your hidden talent.
I secretly love cleaning toilet bowls. It’s gross.
Looking back at past Ben, what was his most major style faux pas?
7th grade Ben was a rad dude. His fav outfit was a white button-up short-sleeve shirt on top of a lime green turtle-neck all tucked into baggy khaki shorts, with black socks pulled all the way up, Reebok Pumps.
What is your honest prediction for your 2012?
My obsession with the apocalypse will be channeled into club/hood/internet-inspired beats, at least one of which will go viral and end up on Obama’s iPod.